Calathea Rufibarba Care Guide: Growing Furry Feather Calathea

Calathea Rufibarba, the tall and arching plant with dark green leaves and the trademark purple underside can increase the beauty of any space. Here is the step by step guide on Calathea Rufibarba Care.

What  is a Calathea Rufibarba/ A little about Furry Feather Calathea

Calathea Rufibarba commonly known as Furry feather calathea or Velvet Calathea due to the tiny hairs that cover its waxy leaves and stems. This gives the plant a soft, velvety feel. The name already indicates that she is a member of the Calathea family. They belong to the Marantaceae family and originates from Brazil.

Calathea Rufibarba Quick Care & Info

Botanical NameCalathea Rufibarba
NicknameFurry feather calathea, Velvet Calathea
HeightUp to about 3 feet or more
Air PurifyingYes
LightBright indirect light but can tolerate low light
WaterWater when top 2-3 inches of soil becomes dry
TemperatureAverage to warm probably about 65-80°F
Humidity50% +
SoilAll-purpose houseplant potting mix
ToxicityNot toxic to pets and human
Where to growBright indoors, shaded outdoors
Maintenace LevelLow maintenance
Calathea Rufibarba Care Guide-Growing Furry Feather Calathea

Calathea Rufibarba Care: Calathea Rufibarba likes to be in a warm room temperature between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit and loves a lot of humidity. Place her in a bright but indirect light condition and water them when 2-3 inches of the topsoil become dry. You can fertilize them in the growing season(spring and summer) but not in winter.

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Calathea Rufibarba Humidity Requirements

Furry feather calathea is a rainforest plant so she will need lots of humidity. What I do is actually I put her with other plants that are tropical plants and also with other calatheas that I have in my house. Try to keep humidity levels up. I actually put all my calatheas very close to a humidifier throughout the day, especially in the winter when the air in our homes becomes drier. 

Calathea Rufibarba Temperature Requirements

In terms of temperature Calathea Rufibarba actually likes to be in a warm room. I will recommend that you keep her in a room between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid rooms with cold drafts.

Calathea Rufibarba Light Requirements

In terms of sunlight avoid direct sunlight at all the costs. Calatheas prefer bright, indirect sunlight. This will actually burn the leaves. So put her in a room with partial shade and indirect sunlight.

Watering Calathea Rufibarba

Water is also very important with this plant. First of all I found that this plan needs lots of water of course you don’t want to overwater her. So I will recommend that you always check the soil. The way that I check is, I put my finger inside the soil until the second knuckle and I just make sure that it is not very wet. You just want to make sure that you keep the soil moist all time. 

The way that I make sure that I don’t overwater my plant, it’s actually with the bottom watering method. So what I do is, I actually water my plants from the top and then I let it be in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes after that I lift my plant up and I let the water drain down that way I make sure that the soil is moist but not wet. 

Another very important factor about water with this plant is that calathea are very sensitive to the chemicals that come in tap water. So make sure to water your plants with a distilled filter or rain water.

But if you use tap water then what you can do is, you put some water in a bucket or a container and you let it stand for a couple of days, two or three days should be enough this water will then be ready to use.

The Best Soil for Rufibarba Calathea

Like many tropical indoor plants, Calatheas do well in a well-draining soil mix, which can be typically purchased at your local garden shop selling indoor plants.

Fertilizer for Calathea Rufibarba

You can fertilize  Calathea Rufibarba with a fertiliser that is high in nitrogen every two to three weeks in summers. In winters, you fertilize once a month or no need to fertilize.

Pruning Calathea Rufibarba

You can prune out spent blooms and dead, damaged or dying leaves. Trim the browning edges from calathea leaves with scissors. Use sharp and clean scissors.

Calathea Rufibarba Toxicity

Good news is, Calathea Rufibarba isn’t toxic to cats or dogs. It is a perfect choice for people with these pets.

Calathea Rufibarba Repotting

You can repot your Calathea annually when the roots start to stick out the bottom of the pot. Choose a pot that is one size larger than the previous one.

Propagating Calathea Rufibarba

Calatheas Rufibarba can be propagated by division or by stem cuttings. Wait until your Calathea Rufibarba has grown large enough before dividing it.

Calathea Rufibarba Common Problems

Calathea Rufibarba droopy leaves

Droopy leaves can be because of two options. The first one is that you are overwatering your plants. So make sure to check the soil and cut down on water. The second one is that it may be too cold for your plant or she may be exposed to cold drafts. If this is the case try to increase temperatures around your plant or move her to a warmer room. 

Calathea leaves are turning brown

When you see the leaf tips or the edges of your leaves browning and this actually happens because the air around your plant may be too dry for her. To keep humidity levels up, you can move her to a bathroom where the humidity levels are really high. You can also put her with other calatheas or other tropical plants as they actually help each other with humidity levels. You can also use a humidity tray to increase humidity around her. 

Faded or scorched leaves

This is most likely because your plant is getting lots of sunlight. Remember this plant prefers shaded rooms and indirect sunlight. So make sure that your an exposure to direct sunlight for an extra tip make sure that every week you just clean the leaf and check for bugs and dust I can tell you cleaning the leaves of my plant every week has helped me keep her healthy and actually I see that she can’t breathe also she looks way more beautiful

Why does my Calathea Rufibarba have a limp stem?

Limp stem in your Calathea Rufibarba is an indication of over-watering or very cold temperatures. Move your Calathea to a warmer spot and water her less frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I water my Calathea?

Water your Calathea once a week and check the soil before watering. Keep the soil slightly moist at all times.

What type of soil does Calathea need?

Calatheas grow well in any well draining soil that is slightly moist at all times.

Is Calathea Rufibarba an air purifying plant?

Yes, the Calathea Rufibarba is an efficient air purifying plant.

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